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Snow Buntings and Gale at Duncan Reef

October 31, 2015

Yesterday there was a gale at Duncan Reef. The sea was alive and so were the Snow Buntings. I sat at my usual spot snuggled up against a rock and waited for the buntings to march by and so they did.

Snow Bunting

Snow BuntingSnow Bunting Snow BuntingSnow Bunting Snow BuntingSnow Bunting Snow BuntingSnow Bunting Snow BuntingSnow Bunting

The surf was pounding against the rock bluffs of the coast. I have never encountered a rogue wave here in fifteen years. The inshore and off shore reefs tend to medicate such events but caution is always warranted. Never walk on washed or dark rocks in this kind of weather.

The Shoreline Bluffs West of Duncan Reef

Cliffs and SurfCliffs and Surf Cliffs and SurfCliffs and Surf Cliffs and SurfCliffs and Surf

The inshore surf is always the highest at Duncan Reef. I have seen it tower up to 10 to 12 metres in height during post tropical storms.

Duncan Reef Surf

Duncan Reef Gale SurfDuncan Reef Gale Surf Duncan Reef Gale SurfDuncan Reef Gale Surf Duncan Reef Gale SurfDuncan Reef Gale Surf Duncan Reef Gale SurfDuncan Reef Gale Surf Duncan Reef Gale SurfDuncan Reef Gale Surf

There always seems to be a fisherman who says "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" and heads out into the sea. Instead of wisely staying well off shore this fishing boat passed just beyond Duck Reef. An engine failure here could have led to disaster.

Fishing Boat at Duck Reef

Going Fishing No Matter WhatGoing Fishing No Matter What Going Fishing No Matter WhatGoing Fishing No Matter What