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Yellow-rumped Warbler and Friends

September 29, 2023

I encountered Yellow-rumped Warblers (25+) and other species at Duncan's Cove and at Sandy Cove's Beach area (25+). The bunch at Duncan's Cove were on the east side of the road so of course the images were backlit and mostly unusable. This was a mixed warbler flock with Ruby-crowned Kinglets. The Yellow-rumped Warblers at Duncan's Cove were in the shrubbery near the water and also backlit but thanks to the ridge behind them the image quality was improved. So far I have not found a Solitary Sandpiper at Sandy Cove's beach. I usually find them here every year but perhaps they are late this year.

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler 401Yellow-rumped Warbler 401 Yellow-rumped Warbler 450Yellow-rumped Warbler 450 Yellow-rumped Warbler 451Yellow-rumped Warbler 451 Yellow-rumped Warbler 452Yellow-rumped Warbler 452 Yellow-rumped Warbler 453Yellow-rumped Warbler 453

Cedar Waxwing

American Goldfinch

Great Blue Heron

Song Sparrow

Yellow-rumped Warbler