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Hard Drive Failure but the Birds Keep Coming

October 30, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I visited Duncan Reef yesterday and met my first Snow Buntings and Lapland Longspurs of the year. The photos seen here are from my archive since I cannot process images due to a hard disc failure on my computer. Fortunately everything is backed up. I am currently using a lowly laptop(how can anyone type with these small keys?)

Snow Bunting

Snow BuntingSnow Bunting

Lapland Longspur

Lapland LongspurLapland LongspurLapland Longspur

I photograph in RAW which is like a digital negative of 50 to 80 megabytes each. Only my desktop computer and Adobe can process these images and it needs a lot of computer horsepower. I should have a new hard drive delivered tomorrow so if everything goes well I'll input the operating system and then load my backed up C drive. All my photos are stored in a separate external hard drive.

