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Compendium of LIghts

March 30, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Nova Scotia has some remarkable lights and lighthouses including the tallest in North America at Cape Sable and the oldest in North America at Sambro Island. I hope some day to travel the lighthouse route and photograph most of them.

Compendium of Lights

Brier Island North Light

Brier Island Northern Light 500Brier Island Northern Light 500 Brier Island Northern Light 501Brier Island Northern Light 501

Brier Island Western Light

Brier Island Western Light 500Brier Island Western Light 500

Cape d'Or Light Cape d'Or Light 500Cape d'Or Light 500 Cape d'Or Light 501Cape d'Or Light 501

Cape Forchu Light

Cape Forchu 500Cape Forchu 500 Cape Forchu 501Cape Forchu 501 Cape Forchu 502Cape Forchu 502 Cape Forchu 503Cape Forchu 503 Cape Forchu 504Cape Forchu 504

Cape Sable Light Cape Sable Light 500Cape Sable Light 500 Cape Sable Light 501Cape Sable Light 501 Cape Sable Light 502Cape Sable Light 502 Cape Sable Light 503Cape Sable Light 503 Cape Sable Light 504Cape Sable Light 504 Cape Sable Light 505Cape Sable Light 505 Cape Sable Light 506Cape Sable Light 506 Cape Sable Light 507Cape Sable Light 507 Cape Sable Light 508Cape Sable Light 508

Queensport Light Queensport Light 500Queensport Light 500SONY DSC Queensport Light 501Queensport Light 501SONY DSC

Sambro Island Light Sambro Island LIght Ominous Clouds 500Sambro Island LIght Ominous Clouds 500 Sambro Island LIght Ominous Clouds 501Sambro Island LIght Ominous Clouds 501 Sambro Island LIght Ominous Clouds 502Sambro Island LIght Ominous Clouds 502SONY DSC Sambro Island LIght Ominous Clouds 503Sambro Island LIght Ominous Clouds 503SONY DSC Sambro Island LIght Ominous Clouds 504Sambro Island LIght Ominous Clouds 504SONY DSC Sambro Island LIght Ominous Clouds 505Sambro Island LIght Ominous Clouds 505
