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Peregrine Falcon

January 28, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Yesterday was a very successful day of photography in the upper Annapolis Valley for Laura and me. We found Bald Eagles (easy), but also much harder to find Short-eared Owls (6) and Peregrine Falcon. All of the birds were photographed, but the flock of Horned Larks eluded my camera. An absolute delight was a flock of Pine Grosbeaks, a truly nifty bird.

First up for display is some poor photos of a Peregrine Falcon. This example has characteristics of Pacific and Tundra species. The large rounded side burns suggest Pacific but the large white patch behind the side burns suggest Tundra. Perhaps this is a hybrid of the two races. You decide.

Photographing at low levels across barren ground is seldom successful due to rising air currents and dust swirls.

Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon (Peales's or Pacific) 100Peregrine Falcon (Peales's or Pacific) 100 Peregrine Falcon (Peales's or Pacific) 101Peregrine Falcon (Peales's or Pacific) 101 Peregrine Falcon (Peales's or Pacific) 102Peregrine Falcon (Peales's or Pacific) 102 Peregrine Falcon (Peales's or Pacific) 103Peregrine Falcon (Peales's or Pacific) 103
